My Family

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


The last couple of days have been crushing. Everyone at work as been so excited and involved, which means I have not been able to escape the "When are you going?" questions. I have been so thankful to have had so many amazing people to share this with, but at the same time I couldn't answer the question. They were getting frustrated and so was I.

Today Kelly from the agency emailed with a question. I responded and added a question of my own... When are we going?!?!? I let her know that I knew she probably couldn't answer but I was going crazy! I pushed the send button and sat back in my seat and literally... bing... up comes the email from the Embassy.

Tonight we called everyone and booked plane tickets and got the hotel room and are all set to leave February 6 at 6:00AM to head to Guatemala City. We arrive in Guatemala City at 12:30 and hope it is early enough they will bring Jimmy to the hotel that evening. We have all day Thursday to play and then Friday morning at 8AM have our appointment at the Embassy. We give them all of our final documents and have our interview with Embassy staff. We should (Hopefully!) leave around 2 hours later with everything in motion. The weekend is ours to explore and sight see. Monday we will pick up his Visa and then we are set to fly out Tuesday morning at 8AM.

We should be back in the States 2/12 at 4PM!

Finally!!!!! Now there are some things to do but nothing major. Mostly it will be involve keeping myself occupied for the next two week...
Two weeks! That's it... Two more weeks!


Blogger the Thomas team said...

We are BEYOND thrilled to come home and read this incredible news! Shayla's birthday is Feb. 12th! Jimmy's timing is PERFECT!!!

6:26 PM  

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