My Family

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Trick or Treat!!
Jimmy didn't seem to love his costume at first. He would wear it for about 5 minutes before trying to take it off. I was pretty convinced we were going to end up carrying it instead of wearing it. But we took him to a little event down at our local Kroger. Our friend Stevie works there and everyone fawned all over him. He insisted on wearing it - even all through dinner.

The boys getting ready to trick or treat!

Jimmy got it. He knew what to do and what his reward was! Next year I will be a little more prepared for the massive temper tantrums to get candy - - RIGHT NOW! What are you going to do? I kind of wanted some right then too!

Skull Session at OSU before the Penn State Game. So much fun! Jimmy seemed awed by the crowd of almost 15,000... so were we. But whenever the band would stop playing he would ask for more. And of course there was the moment when everyone got quiet and he figured out that if he yelled his voice really carried. That was fun, too!

Last stop of the night to trick or treat and see Aunt Chris!


Blogger the Thomas team said...

Beautiful!! So precious! So cute; embrace and enjoy!!

2:46 PM  

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