My Family

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No Power for Us!

This is day 2.5 without power. We think we are going to be turned back on on Friday, though the map they printed in the paper with the schedule is really hard to read. It has been okay... Could be worse. Jimmy had a moment on Monday morning where he was really confused why he couldn't watch Blue's Clues with his breakfast... Yes, we let him watch Blue's Clues with his breakfast.

He was sent home from day care on Friday with the poops and one bout of vomiting. Surprisingly, he seemed fine. Saturday morning we had a sort of bad diaper but no big deal... Well, Sunday was definitely worse. Armpits to ankles. We chanced it and took him to day care on Monday (they had power) but he didn't make it through the day and I had to pick him up again around 3. Since then he has been home. I think it must be the dreaded rhotavirus again. Yucky.

Since then Brian and I have been splitting days. He had a lot of clean up at our rental property (we lost three trees, one of which took out part of the fence and the power line). COSI has had power so I have been trying to plan my partial day around meetings and moving my desk. Luckily I have been able to charge our cell phones here. I forgot Brian's today and I know he is trying to conserve so if you call him leave a message and he will try to call you back.

We are going to lose everything in the fridge and freezer since there is no ice to be found in this city! I went to the store last night and tried to buy some things for dinners that don't require milk or butter. We'll get through!As annoying as this is starting to get I keep talking with people who have it worse! Missy's son Julian got sick all through the night and she had to go and buy new sheets since she cannot do laundry... We are thinking of having a laundrymat date tonight. A woman at the dentist office has a well and without electricity they cannot power the well so they don't have water!

Long and short - if you are trying to get ahold of us, leave messages on the cell phone and we will get back in touch with you as soon as we can. I will be in work this morning and then again probably tomorrow afternoon (unless Jimmy has a miraculous recovery).



Blogger the Thomas team said...

I cannot imagine how hard it was to live without power - wow!!!

Go, Jimmy, yes watch Blues Clues with breakfast!!! (My kids did that too and I think they turned out fine!)


4:43 PM  

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